Life Stiles strives to be committed to delivering the safest treatments. Our heated beds for massage clients and steam showers are available. Please see below for information on the current guidelines for Couples Massages.

Couples Massage Limitations

We are currently not offering side by side massages at this time

Although couples massage itself is not specifically restricted by the Alberta Government's public health orders, their Guidance for Wellness Services (PDF) specifies the following:

  • businesses and practitioners must have practices in place to minimize the risk of transmission of infection

  • clients should attend appointments by themselves unless a guardian/assistant is necessary (e.g. a parent for a minor or a caretaker for elderly)

  • only one person should be provided service in small, poorly ventilated spaces

  • shared work spaces must have stations or massage tables separated by two metres of space or a physical barrier

In general, we advise you not to make appointments for couples massage because it is not possible to meet the above requirements in most practice environments.

Even with clients from the same household, having two practitioners in one enclosed space increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19 over that of a one-on-one massage.

In addition, the Enhanced public health measures specify that Health, Social, and Professional Services be limited to one-on-one appointments.

At this time, couple's massage can only be performed under the following conditions:

  • massage tables are separated by a minimum of two metres or by a physical barrier

  • the treatment room is a well-ventilated space

  • practitioners and clients understand the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19 when there are more people within a work space